New Agent Form.

New Agent Form.

April 20, 2018
We have activated the advanced integrated geolocalization system for requests for cost estimates and information.

Eterno Ivica è is pleased to let you know that our website will soon feature an advanced system of integrated geolocalization for requests for cost estimates and information.

This system, which is truly cutting edge and full of advantages, will allow users to send cost estimate requests on their own, which will be carried out right from theproduct page.

Each agent will be assigned a special area, both geographically and in terms of product categories. Thanks to automatic geolocalization, which will let us know where the user is contacting us from, the system will send the cost estimate, contact and information request directly to the proper agent/reseller/distributor. This goes for Italy as well asforeign countries.

This goes to show how Eterno Ivica always pays attention, is present and aware of the new needs of the market and its clients, constantly growing and improving its technologies. The company aims to be perfectly in line with the requests and needs of potential and future buyers.

We have come up with this system with the certainty of having made the most of all of the work of all team members.

To stay up-to-date on all of the latest innovations from Eterno Ivica, follow our communications channels:

