Social Report 2020-2021

Social Report 2020-2021

02 de septiembre de 2021

Social Report and confirmations of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certifications

Publishing the social report means making official all the objectives and paths implemented to reach increasingly important goals.

Eterno Ivica, despite the difficult period and great uncertainties, has achieved many of them reported in the 2020-2021 Social Report.

In addition to social responsibility, the social report also refers to the environment issue in compliance with sustainable development promoted by the company policy and informs on the actions taken towards its stakeholders in relation to the Integrated Management System: Quality - Environment - Social Responsibility - Safety.

In this regard, we are happy to inform you that we have recently obtained the three-year renewal of the ISO 9001 certification, which certifies the company's ability to implement all processes in full compliance with the established criteria for quality management.

In addition, we have successfully passed the ISO 14001 environmental certification maintenance inspection visit.